ISCE Organizational Model

ISCE Organizational Model


The ISCE Organizational Model is the first scheme for the integration of sustainability in corporate governance recognized by Accredia, the Single National Accreditation Body designated by the Italian government, as valid for the purpose of Third Party Certification.

The ISCE Organizational Model Score is in the planning stage: a tool that allows for the assessment of the level of commitment and performance of an organization and its supply chain, in relation to the topics of the ISCE Organizational Model and their level of maturity with respect to the ESG topics.

Sircle S.r.l. Benefit Corporation

Sircle S.r.l. Benefit Corporation is Scheme Owner of the ISCE Organizational Model®.

Through a Network of qualified Partners, it promotes ESG principles throughout the country and implements innovative solutions aimed at promoting sustainable development at a national and international level.

Sircle’s Partner Consultancy Companies accompany companies along the path of Sustainable Development thanks to the ISCE Organizational Model®.

Consulnet Italia, together with Rödl & Partner and Tecno ESG S.r.l., is a Member and Partner of Sircle.

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